“Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced.”
- James Baldwin
Author & Poet
HeArt is an exercise in empathy & acknowledgement for male artists of color.
Whether political dissent or personal healing, creative expression has always been a vehicle to create powerful messages about the state of society. Tarana Burke started the #MeToo movement in 2006, its stated purpose was to “help survivors of sexual violence, particularly young women of color from low wealth communities, find pathways to healing.” Alyssa Milano sent a tweet on October 15, 2017, asking people to respond with #MeToo if they’d faced sexual harassment or abuse and the phrase went viral. An entire ocean of #MeToo’s flooded our timelines, televisions and the landscapes of our lives were shifted with women and men who boldly chose to be vulnerable, transparent and share their experiences. At the same time, we watched men from all walks of life be exposed and conversations on the dismantling of patriarchy began.
HeArt or He-Art will challenge artists, activists and community leaders to explore the re-molding of men, in particular, confront artists of color to interrogate their work and its roots in patriarchy and toxic masculinity. Through training, story-circles, workshops, etc., we will employ art and culture for deep internal investigations to scrutinize and help foster a safe and more supportive society. Use visual art, spoken word, movement, performance art and media to create meaningful work in response, and reflect what role men can offer inside this conversation.
Taking the first step to simply listen and acknowledge that women know much more about their own experiences; while also coming to the realization of knowing men must rethink what it means to be both decent and sexual, and what it means to be a man. New definitions, decisions and directions must be employed while also dismantling taken for granted assumptions about masculinity, choice, consent and seduction.
Actions for narrative change:
Push for a cultural shift holding male (men/boys) artist accountable for language and actions to make positive influences in the world
Change the narrative of what a “real man” looks like
Reevaluate Patriarchy as a just a women’s issue
Create clear understanding surrounding the changing dynamics of the family structure, accepting loving, compassionate families of any style or form
Teach boys and men how to authentically communicate their emotions and practice empathy
Be proactive in addressing patriarchy and challenge other men on sexist patriarchal actions.
HeArt will hear from women and girls in story circles and through their art ,film, poetry, dance, music etc., and artists will co-create artwork for presentation and stimulation of community conversations.